About WI-ACE |
Mission Vision |
President's Welcome Letter Hello and welcome to all! Firstly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and dedication to our organization. Your contributions have been invaluable in helping us achieve our goals and objectives. As we begin the new year, I want to share who Wisconsin Association of Colleges and Employers (WI-ACE) are. We just celebrated our 60th anniversary and WI-ACE is an organization of representatives from Wisconsin employers and Wisconsin higher educational institutions devoted to connecting students and graduates with internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. Our Mission is “to provide an opportunity for employers and career services professionals to share knowledge and ideas that inspire, guide, and promote best practices that effectively connect students and employers.” Even though you can find this information on our website I feel that it is important to repeat it again. As I share my experience from WI-ACE with others, I see a common theme. With so many folks in new roles many have not heard of WI-ACE. Many employers are looking to build relationships with the campuses across the state, but at times, they are not sure who they should connect with, or it could be too many to keep track of. Campuses are looking for connections with hiring organizations to help guide their students to an organization and build a successful career. At WI-ACE we have everyone in one spot where you can network and build long-lasting relationships. Over the past year, we have accomplished many great things together, including growing the membership of our organization, balancing our budget, and bringing in educational speakers that motivate and inspire. We are proud of what we have achieved and look forward to building on this success in the coming year. As we move forward, I encourage you to stay engaged and involved in our organization. Your ideas, feedback, and participation are essential to our continued growth and success. Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to serving you as WI-ACE President for 2024. Sincerely, Donna Gottheardt WI-ACE President, 2024 | Donna Gottheardt WI-ACE President, 2024 |
Founded in 1964, WI-ACE was originally named WCPA (Wisconsin College Placement Association) and was formed to “develop and extend policies and standards for the placement of graduates from its respective institutions”. In 1967, WCPA began including employers in its meetings. In 1973, another name change arrived renaming WCPA to WCPPA (Wisconsin Career Planning and Placement Association), and it published its first Career Guidelines book for students. In 1990, the WCPPA conducted its first statewide Employers survey. In 1997, the name “WI-ACE” (Wisconsin Association of Colleges and Employers) was adopted. In the Fall of 2020, WI-ACE hosted its first virtual conference. |