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About WI-ACE

To provide an opportunity for employers and career services professionals to share knowledge and ideas that inspire, guide, and promote best practices that effectively connect students and employers.

To successfully connect Wisconsin college and university students and graduates with employers, simultaneously meeting the objectives of recruiting and career services professionals, while fulfilling the aspirations of students and graduates.

President's Welcome Letter

Welcome to the Wisconsin Association of Colleges and Employers (WI-ACE)!

Thank you for exploring our website. It is an honor to work with so many talented college and employer partners. The Wisconsin Association of Colleges and Employers has been instrumental in my development as a recruiter and in student talent development and acquisition. I look forward to collaborating with the board and members to continue developing programs and opportunities that help college partners and employers connect, network, and collaborate.

As we plan for the year ahead, we are committed to making this organization as beneficial as possible for our members. While technology has made it easier to connect, we still value face-to-face interactions and providing development opportunities. We will focus on offering multiple touchpoints throughout the year to keep our members informed and connected.

Like many of our members, I have experienced the immense benefits of being part of Associations of Colleges and Employers (ACEs) across various regions. I am a member of WI-ACE, Minnesota Association of Colleges and Employers, Midwest Association of Colleges and Employers, and National Association of Colleges and Employers. As President, my goal is to make WI-ACE membership as beneficial as possible while collaborating with other ACEs to offer experiences that grow membership, provide networking opportunities, and positively impact talent development and acquisition.

I hope to welcome you as a member and hear your perspectives on how we can best meet your needs while providing opportunities to lead, grow, and succeed.

A special thank you to all the colleges and employer partners that support the membership of their employees. Your support is greatly appreciated.

I look forward to serving you as WI-ACE President for 2025.

Juan Ramirez


Juan Ramirez

WI-ACE President, 2025


Founded in 1964, WI-ACE was originally named WCPA (Wisconsin College Placement Association) and was formed to “develop and extend policies and standards for the placement of graduates from its respective institutions”.

In 1967, WCPA began including employers in its meetings.

In 1973, another name change arrived renaming WCPA to WCPPA (Wisconsin Career Planning and Placement Association), and it published its first Career Guidelines book for students.

In 1990, the WCPPA conducted its first statewide Employers survey.

In 1997, the name “WI-ACE” (Wisconsin Association of Colleges and Employers) was adopted.

In the Fall of 2020, WI-ACE hosted its first virtual conference.

About the association

WI-ACE is an organization of representatives from Wisconsin employers and Wisconsin higher educational institutions devoted to connecting students and graduates with internships, co-ops, and full-time positions



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